Sunday 2 January 2011

To Begin With

Yesterday I have decided that today will be my first day. After a day of eating quite regularly it is easy to receive decisions :-)
But in the morning it is something else. So I started with currant tea - no sugar, and 2 slices of rice crackers and avocado. After a while I felt hungry. What do I do??? Not enough fruit for smoothy, so I prepared 2 sunny-face-up eggs. For the time being there is silence around. I have to prepare ahead. I have to know what I'll eat in the morning, lunch, supper and in between. Even if it will be the same for several days - so that I will have control over cravings.
I already had a light exercising (thanks to my son, whom I asked yesterday to join me and keep an eye that I do it).
Now I have to learn not to turn to food with every little or big stress or anxiety.
Freedom of choice! Not to grab whatever, but to choose my way in life - this is the target. Losing weight will be just a proof of success.
Now it is time to start imagining myself slim and pretty - as I prefer to be.